Corporate Managers and Leaders - Are you Evolving?


There is a shift happening in the corporate world. More and more employees are demanding the ability to work remotely. It is predicted that most workers will be working remotely in some capacity in the next decade.

As the realm of remote workers expands, so does the need for skilled management to be able to step up and lead in this new environment. This is not just about online businesses or e-commerce anymore. This is for almost ALL business models.

This also means that business models will be evolving as well. Companies are going to have to figure out how to best leverage this new online environment to stay profitable. What we see today will not be the norm in 10 years.

Looking into the future I can see a huge need for today's business leaders and managers to step out of their comfort zones and start learning more about how to lead "virtual" teams (employee & contractors), what software applications are out there to help with this (Prj Mgmt tools, online meetings, documentation, etc) and how to market the business from a new perspective. AND...they need to start researching and playing with these new systems NOW. Otherwise, they will get left behind.

Today's young entrepreneurs and employees are already at an advantage. Technology is second nature to them. They just need more experience in leading teams. It won't be long before the managers of today find themselves struggling to keep up.

I don't write this scare people, but to point out the shift that is already in progress. I write this so that today's corporate managers will start to take a good look at themselves. Are you learning new technologies? Are you open to learning from our younger colleagues? Are ready to mentor the young leaders behind you? Are you evolving too?

If you are interested in learning how to acquire these new skills check out our training to become a Certified Online Business Manager.


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